Environmental Services
Teragrail's extensive selection of environmental services guarantees that your permits or project schedules are executed on time and within your budget.
​Our highly skilled environmental team can streamline the approvals process by navigating the complexities of environmental regulations. This prevents regulatory approvals and construction project timelines from being delayed.
Environmental Design and Modelling
Engineering Design of Sanitary Landfill
Design of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility
Wastewater Treatment and Design
Design of Hazardous Waste Management Facility
Air Dispersion Modelling
Thermal Plume Modelling
Sediment Transport Modelling
Other Environmental Design and Modelling Requirements

Environmental Reports, Studies, and Documentation
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist
Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC)
Geological Assessment Report for Quarry Projects per EMB MC 2020-27
Ecological Assessment (Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Survey, Aquatic Biota Survey, Tree Inventory)
Marine Study and Assessment
Social Impact Assessment
Environmental Site Assessment
Health Impact Assessment (EHIA)
Traffic Impact Assessment and Management
Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS)
Underground and Groundwater Contamination Assessment and Analysis
Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP)
Social Development and Management Program (SDMP)
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRMM) Plan for Barangay, City/Municipality and Provincial
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

Environmental Management, Planning, and Monitoring
Pollution Control Officer (PCO) Works
Preparation, Documentation, and filing of Self-Monitoring Reports (SMRs) and Compliance Monitoring Reports (CMRs)
Preparation, Documentation, and Application of Environmental Permits and Clearances (Permit to Operate, Hazardous Generator ID, Discharge Permit, LLDA Etc.)
Compliance and Consultancy to Philippine Environmental Laws
Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990 (RA 6969)
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (RA 8749)
Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (RA 9275)
Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003)
Philippine Presidential Decree 1586 (PD 1586)
Environmental Baselining Studies for Land, Water, Air and People
Environmental Due Diligence for Environmental Critical Areas and Environmental Critical Projects
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) planning, assistance, conduct, documentation, designing of IEC materials etc.)
Public Participation for EIA (Planning, Assistance, Conduct, Documentation, Designing of Materials)
Environmental Compliance Monitoring and Report
Water Quality Monitoring
oAir and Noise Quality Monitoring

Bring Your Project to Life!
Are you experiencing challenges with a new or ongoing project? Do you have any questions or clarifications with anything related to ground, soil, or rocks? Get in touch with us and we'll answer for you!